The Pacific Current
The Pacific Current is a podcast focused on the modern-day Pacific Islander. Our goal is to inspire, connect, and flow with people of our islands. We focus on creative, cultural and business minds in the community today who are shaping the future of those in The Pacific, but more specifically Hawaii. From entrepreneurs, fashion designers, entertainers, farmers, educators, and philanthropists, we interview people who are molding the future of Pacific people. We are a small group, but believe that the islands of the Pacific are a tightly-connected group of people whose story needs to be told through modern forms of communication. By utilizing today’s technology, we can spread our message much further than ever before. The common thread that binds each of our guests, listeners, and hosts is our love for these islands and her people. We hope you enjoy the podcast. Please email us at [email protected] for any comments, questions or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!
To fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
To bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
To move a long or out steadily and continuously in a current or stream.
Andrew Taeoalii
Host | Technology Specialist
Aloha, my name is Andrew Taeoalii. After living in the continental U.S. for 10 years, I found my way back home to Hawaii in 2015. I’ve lived in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and California and learned from various people and cultures while also keeping ties to my roots. As a pacific islander in the middle of a foreign land, I longed to return to my island home one day. When I moved home, I knew I had lots to share from being away for so long. However, I also found that the Hawaii I had left behind looked quite a bit different. By creating this podcast, I hope to inspire other Polynesians, but more specifically Hawaiians, re-establish the thriving community we once had. I hope to establish connections with prominent members of our society and help bring about awareness to the issues we face today. I am inspired by those who are treading new paths and using the values taught by our kupuna along with the advancements in technology to keep our minds and bodies connected to our distant past. As we learn and grow together, we will be able to work towards a better future with a continous flow of knowledge. I hope that one day, my children will be proud of what we were able to accomplish as a part of this movement.
Jeneka Kekuaokalani
Host | Fashion Enthusiast
Aloha, my name is Jeneka Kekuaokalani. I am a fashion enthusiast with aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur. The sacrifices my grandparents made working multiple jobs to provide for their families motivates me to hustle and provide for my own family. I am also inspired by women in leadership roles who are breaking down barriers and energizing their communities. Through hosting this podcast, I hope to provide a platform Pacific Islanders can use to share stories of success and inspire others to pursue their passions. I am excited to connect with local leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives to generate ideas, offer support and implement solutions.